Getting through surgery with hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that involves the use of hypnosis to help people achieve a range of mental, emotional, and physical benefits. In particular, hypnotherapy has been shown to be an effective tool for individuals who are undergoing surgery, as it can help with pre-operative preparation, reduce discomfort and stress during the procedure, and speed up the post-operative recovery process.

Preoperative Preparation

Before undergoing surgery, it is normal to feel anxious or apprehensive about the procedure. This can lead to stress and worry, which can interfere with your ability to heal and recover post-operatively. Hypnotherapy can help by teaching you how to calm your mind and relax your body. This will help you to feel more confident and in control, and to reduce your stress and anxiety levels.

In hypnosis you can also direct your body to heal more rapidly. Ever heard of the placebo effect? This is when people in medical studies improve simply because they believe the placebo medicine is the real one and that they are healing. In Hypnotherapy, you take the inherent power your mind has to think yourself better and direct it toward your particular illness. This can also be done with Hypnotherapy even when you’re not going in for surgery.
(Read more on my about page for how I healed a chronic illness with Hypnotherapy. )

During the Procedure

Surgery can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. Hypnotherapy can help to reduce discomfort and pain during the procedure by teaching you how to use visualization and self-hypnosis techniques. These techniques will help you to remain relaxed and calm, and to focus on positive and healing thoughts. This will reduce your stress levels and help you to manage any pain that you may experience during the procedure.

I also provide my surgery clients with a custom hypnosis recording that they can listen to during their procedure. This helps them recover faster and not pick up suggestions from the medical staff that they overhear while under anesthesia. 

Post-Operative Recovery

After surgery, it is important to allow your body to heal and recover. However, this process can be slow and uncomfortable, and you may experience pain, swelling, and other side effects. Hypnotherapy can help to speed up your post-operative recovery by reducing the intensity of your pain, reducing inflammation, and helping your body to heal more quickly. This can also help to reduce your need for pain medication, and to speed up your return to your normal daily activities.

In addition to these specific benefits, hypnotherapy has also been shown to be effective in managing many different chronic pains. This is because it works by reducing stress and anxiety levels, and by helping individuals to develop a positive and healing mindset. By reducing stress and anxiety, and by helping individuals to focus on positive and healing thoughts, hypnotherapy can help to reduce chronic pain, improve sleep quality, and boost overall well-being. 


Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help individuals to prepare for, manage, and recover from surgery. By teaching you how to relax your mind and body, hypnotherapy can help you to feel more confident and in control, reduce your stress and anxiety levels, manage pain and discomfort, and speed up your post-operative recovery. So if you are planning to undergo surgery, consider hypnotherapy as a valuable addition to your pre-operative, during-operative, and post-operative care.


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