Hypnotherapy Service: What can be done for you

A lot can be achieved with hypnotherapy, that it’s almost limitless! It’s so much more than losing weight, or getting rid of bad habits. You can transform your entire life with it.

Hypnosis can even be used as an adjunct to medical treatment. Because there is an endless amount of things that can be accomplished with this amazing tool, I decided to provide you with a two-part series delving into the most common scenarios hypnotherapy can help with. Enjoy!

Hypnosis for writers

It would be amazing if every time you sat down to write the words just flowed easily and naturally onto the page in the perfect sequence. Unfortunately fear, anxiousness, the outside world and the inner critic get in the way of this flow. What if I told you hypnosis can help you conquer your critical inner voice  and release your inner creativity? 

Hypnosis for writers block works in two ways, first by helping you release the blocks and supplanting them with the idea that your amazing ideas easily manifest on the page. 

The second way is to actually be in a hypnotic state while writing. This allows for heightened focus and access to your creative subconscious mind. Distractions, overthinking and the inner critic fall away allowing you to clearly write your amazing ideas. 

Hypnosis for procrastination

Procrastination stems from different sources such as anxiety, learned habit, fear, avoidance, lack of motivation, not feeling like doing something, belief that you work best at the last minute. Hypnosis can help with procrastination in two different ways. First diving into the cause behind the procrastination is key. If you don’t know why you’re procrastinating then it is hard to make it go away. Through various hypnosis techniques you can explore the causes and collapse them, so they no longer are operating in your subconscious mind. 

Second, you can program in motivation in different ways. Sometimes just re-writing the script in your mind to say that you are excited to do what you need to do, can take care of things. I typically add a kinesthetic anchor that links motivation to an activity you enjoy doing. The emotions of the activity you enjoy spread to include what you’re needing motivation for, and then you suddenly feel like doing what you need to do. 

Self Hypnosis techniques for motivation

I’m going to let you in on a secret, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis! Even when you work with a hypnotist. When I hypnotize someone, I am not making them do anything, they are simply choosing to follow along with what I’m guiding them to do, which in this case is entering the trance state. 

What this means is that it is easy to learn self-hypnosis. Many have been in the hypnotic state and not even known it. Have you ever been “in the zone”, where you are focused and easily perform the task at hand? That is a type of trance state, where all the distractions fade away. The difference in specifically using self-hypnosis is that you’re doing some sort of upgrade to your mind while in the hypnotic state.

Hypnosis for confidence and self-esteem

Hypnosis is a fantastic way to build confidence and self-esteem. When in hypnosis you bypass the inner critic voice and are able to get new ideas into the subconscious mind. The custom suggestions created for you will be around having confidence in the area you’re struggling and also anchoring things to reverse low self-esteem. 

Do you feel like you’re not good enough? Unlovable? A failure? Unworthy? A burden? Unwanted? That you’re too much? Hypnotherapy allows you to collapse negative events from childhood and your life that created these limiting beliefs. 

Because I promise you they are not true. 

Hypnosis for communication skills

Communicating effectively is one of the best skills you can gain. But how do you do it? First you have to believe that you communicate clearly and effectively. If you don’t believe that you speak clearly, then that’s going to translate into speech issues, such as stuttering, not remembering words, etc. Hypnosis helps in this area by inserting the idea that you are an effective and clear communicator into your subconscious mind (aka unconscious mind and subconscious mind).

Why does hypnosis help get new ideas into the subconscious mind? Being in the hypnotic state allows you to bypass the Critical Factor, this is your inner analyst that rejects new ideas that don’t line up with what’s already in your subconscious mind. When you’re in a normal state of mind the Critical Factor is active and will act as a gatekeeper against ideas that oppose your current beliefs.

What ideas could help make you a better communicator? The main ones I use with clients are around the clarity of communication, self-confidence, being a good listener and expecting a positive response from the audience. 

Hypnosis for manifesting money

Hypnosis can absolutely help with money struggles and creating more money flow in your life. This is a goal better suited for one-on-one work with a hypnotherapist because there are limiting beliefs and possibly traumas that get in the way of manifesting money. Just listening to a recording saying you’re going to get more money isn’t going to cut it. You have to do the work of removing the limitations, to allow that flow to happen. 

I could easily create a recording that reverses some of the standard beliefs and it may help a bit, but to me this isn’t the right area for a standardized recording. Money struggles are unique to every person, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach that works for increasing money in your life because our money issues come from messages received in childhood.

Hypnosis for Chronic Pain

Struggling with constant pain causes everything else in your life to be overcast with a shadow. There’s this constant fear that pain will attack at any time. You start living your life in a smaller and smaller circle, avoiding anything that might spark the pain. With hypnosis you can manage the pain and regain control of your life, and many even heal, becoming pain free. 

Just being in the hypnotic state is healing for people because it activates your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and allows your body to exit the flight or fight mode of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) that many people are stuck in today. Once you’re out of flight or fight mode you and your body can focus on getting better. 

Hypnosis for chronic pain addresses the pain in three ways. First, activate the parasympathetic nervous system allowing your innate healing intelligence to get to work on healing you. Second, go through a series of hypnotherapy sessions (usually 10-12) to process the causes of your pain. Lastly, you and the hypnotherapist design therapeutic suggestions around your physical and emotional healing and saturate your subconscious mind with these new ideas. These new ideas then become your reality, where you are comfortable and at ease in your body, happily trusting it to carry you through your daily life.

Daily Hypnosis for goals and upgrading your life

One of the six ways we get new ideas into our subconscious mind is through repetition. The more you are saturating your mind with your affirmations the quicker you’ll see results. So, it’s up to you if you want to do it daily. My recommendation to my clients is 5-10 minutes in the morning and 5-10 minutes in the evening. This takes advantage of the fact that you are already coming from or going to that altered state of alpha brain waves naturally. 

A couple of ways to make it easier to do it daily:

  • Make yourself a hypnotic recording that you can just listen to twice a day

  • Use notecards to write your affirmations and post them around your home, so that you see them regularly. Read them out loud to yourself each time you see it. This isn’t done in hypnosis, but it helps with repetition

  • Use this affirmation to just program in that you want to do it twice a day:  Because I believe in creating positive daily habits I am excited to do my self-hypnosis twice a day

Learn more at my full blog post here about daily hypnosis and creating custom affirmations

Hypnosis for Anger and Anxiety

Anger is often frowned upon in society, yet it’s a healthy normal emotion. It absolutely can be taken to extremes, as can anything, but the root cause of anger is that our needs are not being met in some way. Or it could be that there is a hurt so big in us that we turn to anger to feel some modicum of power and even safety. Anger begins as a protective tool that can get out-of-hand if the hurt and needs behind the anger are not met. 

Hypnotherapy is highly effective for helping to collapse sensitizing events from childhood that are spurring on the anger and anxiety you feel today. After the negative emotional charge is removed from the event you can start to reprogram your mind with beliefs that reverse the ones that developed.

Hypnosis for sexual performance

Sex…..sex…..sex that thing that we’re not supposed to talk about and no one tells you how or what to do, so you have to magically become an expert through trial and error. I am not even remotely an expert in sex, but I can definitely share a few things I’ve learned along the way from healing my own sexual issues. 

Unfortunately there is a lot of shame wrapped up in sex. We hear many messages about sex when we’re young, most of them negative which can impact our entire future sexual life. 

All of this to say that there can be a lot in our minds that gets in the way of our sexual performance. How can hypnosis help with this? By removing the insecurities and upgrading your mind with positive ideas about yourself and your abilities.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

This is the use of hypnosis in a clinical setting. Clinical at its root definition means that someone is observing and treating a person rather than engaging in theoretical or laboratory studies. That definition applies here to the term Clinical Hypnotherapy. Clinical is just the action of using hypnosis in a therapy setting. It’s also a title/degree that a hypnotherapist can receive. For instance, I attended a school and have a diploma as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. 

If you are looking for a Hypnotherapist, ask them questions about their training and education. This is a broad field that is not overseen by state boards the way most of the medical and mental health are. A person can watch some videos, get a script and call themselves a hypnotherapist, which unfortunately taints the profession with unqualified practitioners.

Can You Do Hypnotherapy Online?

YES! - Online Hypnosis is just as effective as live hypnosis sessions. Thanks to technology you are no longer limited to practitioners in your area, you can work with any Hypnotherapist who offers online hypnotherapy sessions. You just need a video and audio connection. The Hypnotherapist will want to see you because it helps them make sure everything is going well on your end.  Such as if you start crying, they can see this and support you verbally through the emotional release. 

How in the world can hypnosis over zoom work? To go into hypnosis you are just following along with what the Hypnotherapist is guiding you to do, which is relaxing your body. That is just as easily done over zoom as in-person. Once you’re in hypnosis the work is all verbally done anyways. Again, it’s just the hypnotherapist guiding you through what needs to be done. All you have to do is listen and follow.

IBS Hypnosis

Are you stressed? Maybe just a teeny bit or a lot? The major trigger for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) where the lab tests are normal, but you are experiencing some sort of discomfort or pain is typically related to a stressor in your life. You are not alone in this, IBS is the most common digestive affliction there is. 

Hypnosis initially helps with reducing stress. When you enter the hypnotic state you activate your Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) which takes you out of the flight/fight mode and allows you to experience relaxation in your nervous system.


Self-Hypnosis; How To


Hypnosis for Writers