Make achieving financial goals more fun. Discover unexpected ways you may be sabotaging your success and experience a more energetic & complete financial transformation with hypnosis.
In this interactive session you will make friends with money, take action together and see the results. You will leave energized and excited to take action on achieving your financial goals resulting in enduring financial power.
At this event you'll set the tone for a powerful second half of your year by opening to the abundance around you. You don’t have to manifest or create wealth. You simply have to receive it. It’s raining down on you, but there is an umbrella in the way. Let’s remove the umbrella, so 2024 is your best year yet.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
6:30pm-8:30pm MT
4045 Wadsworth Blvd, Suite 80 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (lower level)
Event Breakdown:
Meet and Greet with a variety of Hypnotherapists
Learn about different styles of Hypnotherapy offered by local practitioners
Discover how Hypnosis works
Experience Hypnosis as you Make Friends with Money and discover a more energetic & complete financial transformation with hypnosis. (Facilitated by me, Kim Sheahan)
Quiet time to jot down any thoughts or notes from your experience
Share your experience and ask any lingering questions
Free community event
Get customized affirmations that speak directly to your struggles included by registering and completing the questionnaire: