Have you ever heard a story where someone's mind was attributed to their success in a medical battle? Well that's exactly what hypnotherapy does in real life and not just in hallmark movies. Breakthroughs across the country are being seen in cancers, IBS, chronic pain, and so much more!

What medical issues can be helped?

Hypnotherapy isn't here to say doctors aren't needed, of course they are. Medical hypnotherapy can be used as an adjunct to medical care, and in most cases cut the need for visits short.

On average you'll start to notice real differences after two to three sessions. It's not uncommon to notice a change even after your first hypnotherapy session.

How long does it take to notice the benefits?

As a matter of fact, there is. The most prominent breakthrough was in October of 2018. After four years, and three million dollars invested, a new hope was given to over 33 million Americans.

The study concluded that “hypnotherapy mobilizes the healing power of the mind to produce evidence-based results.” The focus of this study was on an issue that affects 10% of the population, overactive bladders.

More and more studies like this are being performed monthly. You can read the full case study here.

Is there any proof in the swirling pudding of hypnotherapy?