100 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help You
First - What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy - Is using hypnosis in a therapeutic process. It is an educational and self-improvement process that allows a person to access internal resources to solve problems, increase motivation, alter behavior patterns and generally create positive change. Through accessing the subconscious mind you upgrade the programming running your body and your life, so that you rapidly transform your life and create the life you desire.
Acting - Struggling to memorize lines? Experiencing stage fright? A lot of famous actresses and actors use Hypnotherapy! You can increase your memory, release fears and tons more.
Just a few of the names you might know who have used Hypnotherapy: Ashton Kutcher, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, James Earl Jones.
Addictions - These begin because we start using something (cigarettes, food, drugs, etc.) to suppress our emotions. Hypnotherapy allows you to get to the root emotional cause and heal it as part of the process of releasing an addiction.
I do not work with drug addictions in my practice, but there are many people who are qualified in helping with drug addiction who also do hypnotherapy.
Ambition - Do you have a desire to achieve great things and go far? Is your mind constantly throwing fear, doubt and insecurities at you making it impossible? Hypnotherapy helps you release the limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving the greatness you desire and instill expansive beliefs that allow you to be great.
Anger - At the root of all anger is hurt. Once that hurt is acknowledged and looked at then the anger can be released. Using Hypnotherapy you can get in touch with the pain behind the anger and let it go.
Anxiety - This mainly stems from being in an emotionally unsafe home as a child. We worry if we are going to get kicked out of our clan for something we say or do and that means death to our reptilian brain. Hypnotherapy heals this childhood trauma and helps you learn what safety is, so that you can confidently move through your life
Arthritis - All types of arthritis can be helped with Hypnotherapy. Learn how to direct your inner healing intelligence to create health and wellness in your body
Assertiveness - Does your voice freeze in your throat when you try to speak your needs? Behind this lies a slew of fears. Hypnotherapy helps you release them and then insert new ideas into your subconscious of you standing up for yourself and confidently stating your needs
Asthma - Breathe easier and freely by naturally strengthening your lungs and releasing all emotional causes for having asthma.
Blood pressure - Just being in Hypnosis helps reduce blood pressure because it activates your parasympathetic nervous system. Additionally, Hypnotherapy lets you dive into root causes for it, especially if none of the physical contributors exist for you and it simply runs in your family. Just the expectation of having it because everyone you’re related to does, can create this condition within you.
Autoimmune Disorders - Clear out the root emotional causes for your body attacking itself and direct your immune system to start protecting and healing your body instead of destroying itself.
Behavioral Changes - Start or stop behaviors easily with Hypnotherapy.
Cancer - Boost your immune system, teach your body that chemo is for your benefit, so as to reduce side effects, instruct your body to release cancer cells and much more with Hypnotherapy
Career Success - Constantly getting passed over for promotion even though you’re the best employee they have? Struggling to get a seat at the table and be heard in your organization? Know you need to leave your shitty job, but fear is holding you in place? Hypnotherapy can help you create the success you want and build the confidence you need to get it.
Childbirth - Did you know that childbirth doesn’t have to be painful? In fact we are taught ways to birth that make it unnecessarily painful? Hypnobirthing teaches you how to work with your body's natural birthing processes to make it a harmonious and joyful experience.
Watch the Business of Being Born to learn more about what birth is supposed to be like and how we’ve destroyed it
https://hypnobirthing.com/course/ Go here to find Hypnobirthing courses in your area
Chronic Pain - When you live with long term pain, fear and expectation of pain become a big part of it. In hypnotherapy you direct your body to heal the area of pain and get rid of the fear and expectation of it. Regain trust and confidence in your body with Hypnotherapy.
Communication - Do you struggle to communicate your ideas verbally or in writing? Some of this stems from fear of how our ideas will be received and how people will judge us. Hypnotherapy helps you toss out these fears and build confidence in yourself and your communication.
Check out NonViolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg https://bookshop.org/a/23512/9781892005281 (this is an affiliate link so I will get a small fee if you purchase through this link)
Concentration - program focusing into your mind with Hypnotherapy! Our entire world is now set around not having an attention span. Regain this natural human ability through updating the ideas in your subconscious and building the skill of focus and concentration
Consciousness Expansion - Hypnotherapy is an amazing way to tap into higher consciousness and experience soul evolution
Cramps (Menstrual) - Similar to chronic pain, fear and expectation of terrible cramps each month can add to the pain level. With Hypnotherapy you can get in touch with your body and see what it needs to heal and release the need for terrible cramps. You can reprogram your body to have an easy and comfortable monthly cycle
Creativity - Feeling blocked and like you’ve hit a wall? Have a fantastic idea, but just can’t get it out of your mind and take action on it? Remove the block keeping you from taking action and get your idea into the world with Hypnotherapy. There is typically a fear behind creativity blocks that you can access and release in Hypnosis.
Criticism - Notice that you are frequently criticizing and judging everyone and everything around you, but can’t stop it? Release negativity and cultivate positivity and an optimistic outlook on life. Regain joy and energy in doing so.
Death/Loss of someone - There is rightfully a lot of pain and hurt when you lose someone, but at a certain point you have to live your life and move forward out of constant grief. Hypnotherapy helps you release the build up of grief, so you can focus on the good times you had with them instead of constantly remembering the end.
Works for the loss of pets as well! I had hypnotherapy done when we unexpectedly lost our beloved cat. It helps free you from that dark space of loss and grief, so that you aren’t constantly crying and unable to do anything else.
Depression - I’ve found that depression often stems from knowing you need to make a change in your life, but being unable to make yourself take the step you need to. Doing online hypnotherapy for depression can help release the fears and beliefs holding you in place and set you free to move forward in your life.
Diabetes (type 2) - The common emotional cause for diabetes Type 2 is missing the sweetness in life. We often get filled with bitterness and despair and lose the pleasure in life. Hypnotherapy helps you find the sweetness again and release the need for sweet foods as a replacement.
Dreams - Feel like your dreams have messages for you? Or do you have so many that it feels like you don’t actually get any rest. Hypnotherapy lets you dive back into the dream and learn what it’s trying to tell you. You can also decide what kind of dreams you want to have if they are more nightmare level.
Eating Disorders - The key underlying cause of eating disorders is feeling a lack of control. They start young because in our childhood homes we may have zero control over our lives and this is the one thing we can exert some control over. Hypnotherapy can help you release childhood trauma and regain control in your life, so that you can release your disorder.
This is not something I work with in my practice, but there are many who do
Eczema - Retrain your body to absorb fluids through all layers of the skin. Acupuncture is also fantastic for this as a complement to hypnotherapy.
Emotional Growth - Most of us were not taught emotional intelligence (EQ) as children and now must figure it out on our own as adults. Hypnotherapy helps you learn how to listen to your emotions and process them.
Exam Anxiety - Does your mind blank out when you sit down for an exam? Know your stuff, but it isn’t reflected in your scores? Hypnotherapy takes away the anxiety and helps you gain confidence and remain calm before, during and after an exam
Exercise - You know what you need to do, but you just can’t make yourself get in the habit of it. With Hypnotherapy you can actually program good habits into your subconscious mind. This creates an inner voice that encourages you to take action and exercise.
Farsighted - Begin to see clearly again as you actually correct the shape of your eyeball in hypnotherapy
Fears - Underlying a majority of issues in life is some sort of fear. Hypnotherapy lets you get to the root of these fears and get rid of them. Replace the fears with the positive thoughts you want to have and build a strong and resilient inner self.
Fertility Issues - Can’t get pregnant? Hypnotherapy helps in many ways, emotionally and physically. Release all the stress, fear and disappointment. Guide your body to heal if needed and accept a healthy embryo.
Flight Anxiety - Hypnotherapy helps you release the fear and anxiousness around flying and instills calm, peace and confidence instead.
Focus - program focusing into your mind with Hypnotherapy! Our entire world is now set around not having an attention span. Regain this natural human ability through updating the ideas in your subconscious and building the skill of focus and concentration
Forgiveness - Just can’t let go of something a person did to hurt you? Find yourself constantly wasting energy thinking about it? Hypnotherapy lets you release the emotional charge from traumatic situations, so that you can think back on the memory without being triggered.
Grief - Lingering grief can constantly drain you and keep you from moving forward in life. Hypnotherapy allows you to release the emotional store of grief, so that you can get back to living life. Whether it’s around the loss of a person, pet, job, etc.
Guilt - If you were raised Catholic like me then you probably have an excessive amount of guilt for no reason. And many other religions and parenting styles create guilt habits in children. Hypnotherapy is fantastic for releasing guilt, instilling self-esteem and living a guilt-free life.
Gut Directed Hypnotherapy - Gut issues can stem from a lot of emotional causes. Hypnotherapy lets you get to the cause of the issue and direct your body to heal, so that you can comfortably move through life
Habit Creation - Hypnosis upgrades your subconscious mind to instill the habits you want. Better eating, exercising, dental habits, cleanliness habits, self-care routines and so much more can easily become your way of life with Hypnotherapy
Habit Cessation - Hate how negative you are? Notice patterns of sabotaging yourself? You know what is going wrong, but you just can’t seem to stop doing it or are exhausted from how much willpower it’s taking to be better? Hypnotherapy makes habit cessation a simpler process. Find the causes for the current habits and release them. Then instill the new habits into the subconscious mind, so the new habits are instinctual.
Headaches - Once you’ve ruled out causes like tumors for headaches and know it’s tension related Hypnotherapy can help you get to the root cause and heal it. Within all health issues there is an emotional and biological component to it. Hypnotherapy addresses both by instructing the body how to heal and to release and process through any emotional causes.
Holiday Depression or Anxiety - Hate the holidays? Struggle with family and setting boundaries? Feeling lonely and depressed? Overwhelmed by how much there is to do? Hypnotherapy creates ease and connection in your life. Instill the ability to create and hold boundaries. Connect to yourself and others in a new way.
Hypochondria - Dive into the root fear underlying hypochondria. Once you release it with Hypnotherapy then you instill ideas of health and wellness in your psyche.
Hypertension/ High Blood Pressure - Instantly calm your body and lower blood pressure with hypnosis. Create lower blood pressure through ongoing use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy
Hyperthyroidism - Repair your thyroid and its function by directing your body to heal with your mind in Hypnotherapy.
Hypothyroidism - Hashimoto’s is one of the leading causes of thyroid issues in women. It’s main emotional cause is not feeling heard. Heal this in Hypnotherapy by finding your voice and using it.
Identity - Are you struggling to know who you are? Have you released an identity and no longer know who you are without it? Do you feel like the world is trying to squash your identity? Hypnotherapy helps with all types of identity issues. Get comfortable being you and finding yourself.
Impotency - Overcome impotence by dealing with the emotional causes behind it. There is nothing wrong with you, it lies in your beliefs and trauma’s. These can be healed in Hypnotherapy, so that you function the way you’re meant to.
Indecisiveness - Fear of being judged for making the wrong decision can often underlie indecisiveness. Whatever the underlying issue, dive into it with Hypnotherapy and create trust and confidence in your decisions
Infections - Heal quicker from infections by boosting your immune system with hypnotherapy
Insecurity - Most of us lack any sort of self-esteem and this leads to insecurity about everything in our lives. Hypnotherapy does wonders at helping build self-esteem and create confidence and trust in yourself
Insomnia - Sleep struggles are incredibly common in this day and age. It seems like our world is designed to keep us from sleeping. Use Hypnotherapy to release emotional causes of Insomnia and to help instill good sleep hygiene.
I recommend reading The Sleep Revolution by Adrianna Huffington, to learn habits that promote better sleep. https://bookshop.org/a/23512/9781101904022 (this is an affiliate link so I will get a small fee if you purchase through this link)
Integrating skills learned in traditional therapy - Most people hit a wall with talk therapy. They know what all their issues are and how they show up, but actually making the changes they want in their life just aren’t happening. Hypnotherapy is the next step, it lets you integrate all the work you’ve already done with comfort and ease. And then upgrade your subconscious mind with the beliefs and habits you want.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS-Constipation) - Feeling bloated and like nothing moves through your gut? Dive into healing your body with Hypnotherapy. Let go of all the stored crap (figuratively and literally!) Instill good eating habits that help create comfort and ease in your body.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS-Diarrhea) - Are you designing your entire life around your proximity to a bathroom? Hypnotherapy helps you retrain your body and heal gut issues so that you can start living your life away from bathrooms again.
Jealousy - Learn to create and manifest what you want in your life, so that you don’t need to be jealous of what everyone else is doing.
LGBTQ - You know who you are, but your family and friends denied your truth, rejected you or abandoned you. Hypnotherapy can help you process all the trauma and abuse you have suffered and let you find comfort and ease in just being who you are.
Manifesting Money - Dolla bills ya’ll! There are so many negative money beliefs and fears out there keeping people from wealth and prosperity. Hypnotherapy sets you on a course for wealth and tosses out all the head trash that’s in the way of the life you want.
I recommend reading You Are A Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero https://bookshop.org/a/23512/9780735223134 (this is an affiliate link so I will get a small fee if you purchase through this link)
Meditation - Learn how to still your mind and quiet the inner critic that keeps floating through when you meditate
Memory - Hypnotherapy helps expand your memory capabilities. Retain information easier and readily access the knowledge you have
Motivation - Create or increase motivation to achieve necessary tasks in your life
Nearsighted - Begin to see clearly again as you actually correct the shape of your eyeball in hypnotherapy
Negativity - Notice that you are constantly thinking negatively about your life and the people in it? Are you snapping at those you love? Release negativity and cultivate positivity and an optimistic outlook on life
Nightmares - Having frequent nightmares? Keeping you from getting good sleep or lingering and disturbing you throughout your day? Hypnotherapy helps you to stop having nightmares and call in positive, or neutral dreams in your sleep.
Nocebo for Treatments - A nocebo is when negative expectations of health or a treatment cause it to have a more negative effect than it otherwise would. For ex. Your Dr. says “this probably won’t help but let’s try it.” And usually it would have some benefit, but you see none because you expect none. Hypnotherapy clears out the belief that you won’t see a benefit and allows the treatment to do its work. It can even help create a placebo effect.
Nocebo for medical conditions - A Nocebo can also be created by a Dr. when they tell you that you’re going to have a disease because it runs in your family. E.g. A lot of people have high blood pressure in your family and the Dr. tells you that you will get it. Then you often develop hypertension even when you have no medical reason to have it because you were told by an authority that you would have it. Hypnotherapy can clear out the beliefs and help you receive benefits from treatments and escape genetic inheritances.
Overactive Bladder (OAB) - Are you designing your entire life around your proximity to a bathroom? Hypnotherapy helps you heal and expand your bladder so that you can start living your life away from bathrooms again.
In fact, I have specialized training in this area and the procedure used in the groundbreaking Hypnotherapy study. Learn more about it here http://internationalboardofhypnotherapy.com/?page_id=129
Overeating - Instill healthy eating into your subconscious mind, so that you easily create new eating habits in your life. And let go of emotional causes for overeating with Hypnotherapy.
Pain Control - Hypnotherapy teaches you how to control pain levels and even how to heal from chronic pain
Panic Attacks - Learn to create calm and stillness in your body. Use Hypnotherapy to release the fears leading to the panic attacks and create safety within yourself
Parenting - Level-up your parenting by healing your own trauma in Hypnotherapy. Once you get rid of your childhood issues you can show up for your kids in a new way and create connection and ease in your relationship
Past Life Regression - Explore your past lives to learn the cause of issues you brought into this lifetime to heal.
Peace - Cultivate peace in your mind and your life with Hypnotherapy.
Phobias - Use Hypnotherapy to release your phobias and the traumas that caused them. Instill new ways of being that allow you to live life freely.
Fun fact - I healed my bee phobia with Hypnotherapy and now can be surrounded by hundreds of bees and enjoy it.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Hypnotherapy can help you process and release the charge around your trauma. This allows you to stop living in fear and being triggered.
Process physical sensations related to emotions - Is your neck killing you from a stressful job? Do you often hear yourself saying things like “you’re a pain in my neck” or other body language. We can condition ourselves into pain by using this type of language. Change the habit and release the pain in hypnosis.
Procrastination - Constantly waiting till the last minute to get things done? Triggering a cycle of fear and panic? But you can’t stop it and find ways to get things done early? Hypnotherapy helps you stop the cycle and build new habits of completing work in chunks well before the deadline, so that you easily finish it on time or even early.
Receding Gums - Use fun imagery to actually push your gum line back down in Hypnotherapy.
Rejection - Feel like you are constantly getting rejected or are afraid of being rejected? This mainly stems from childhood and experiencing or feeling rejected by a caregiver. Heal this trauma with Hypnotherapy and learn to accept yourself and watch other people accept you too.
Relationship Issues - Hypnotherapy helps you release negative beliefs and patterns that get in the way of you having a satisfying relationship (intimate and friendship). Most relationship issues stem from limiting beliefs developed in childhood. Get to the root of these and let them go, so that you can connect easily with others.
Relaxation - Just being in hypnosis is relaxing! Hypnotherapy helps build the habit of being relaxed and taking you out of being stuck in stress
Sales Confidence - Struggling to close sales? Build confidence in yourself and your value with Hypnotherapy
Self-Control - We are all just running patterns developed and taught in childhood until we do something to change them. Regain self-control and become the master of your mind and life with Hypnotherapy
Self-Esteem Issues - Become a high self-esteem person by utilizing the power of Hypnotherapy to instill positive beliefs in yourself. Reverse limiting ideas such as feeling not good enough, unlovable, unworthy, somethings wrong with you, and many more.
Self-Harm (cutting) - When everything hurts so much that it’s easier to hurt yourself physically, so that there is a reason for the pain, Hypnotherapy can help. Release the pain and find your way to safety and self-love
Sexual Issues - Struggling with sexual performance or low-libido? Hypnotherapy helps you clear out the emotional causes and get in touch with your body.
Sexual Trauma/Assault - Hypnotherapy helps you release the emotional charge from the traumatic event(s)/ assault. This allows you to reclaim your power and control of your life. Begin to create ease and pleasure around sex again.
Shame - This is taught in childhood. In Hypnotherapy we’ll dive into the causes and experiences that developed feeling ashamed, heal through these and create love and acceptance instead.
Sleep Apnea - For obstructive sleep apnea learn how to give your muscles a workout and tone them up, so that air has a larger pathway to get through. If you have central sleep apnea clear out the mental troubles that are causing you to struggle with breathing
Smoking cessation - One of the most well known uses of hypnotherapy is for quitting smoking. Smoking begins as a way to suppress emotions we can’t deal with. Remove any trauma and learn how to cope without cigarettes in Hypnotherapy
Spiritual Guidance - Use the altered states of hypnosis to receive guidance and grow spiritually
Sports Performance - Are mental limitations holding you back from achieving higher levels of performance that you know you are capable of? Hypnosis frees you from these blocks and taps into your innate strength and power, so that you achieve your goals
Stress - Just being in hypnosis is relaxing! Hypnotherapy helps build the habit of being relaxed and taking you out of being stuck in stress.
Surgery (Pre, During & Post) - Accelerate your healing by utilizing hypnotherapy for your surgery. Do pre-surgery hypnosis to create positive expectations of the surgery and healing process. Have a custom recording made to listen to during surgery to create the best surgery environment possible. Experience more rapid healing post surgery with continued use of hypnotherapy encouraging the body to optimally heal.
And in some people’s experiences doing hypnotherapy for issues before surgery can remove the need for surgery at all. If you have a medical condition that may someday need surgery, such as knee and hip issues, start hypnotherapy now to help your body become healthy and not need surgery
Additionally, if you need to get strong enough to have a surgery hypnotherapy can help strengthen your body in preparation. For ex. Your white blood count is too low and needs to be at a higher level before they will perform surgery.
Trauma - Hypnotherapy has many great processes for releasing and healing trauma from your life. Not only does it reverse the trauma and return you to alignment, but it lets you create a new happier life by upgrading the beliefs in your mind.
Urinary Urgency Incontinence (UUI) - Are you designing your entire life around your proximity to a bathroom? Hypnotherapy helps you heal and expand your bladder so that you can start living your life away from bathrooms again.
In fact, I have specialized training in this area and the procedure used in the groundbreaking Hypnotherapy study. Learn more about it here http://internationalboardofhypnotherapy.com/?page_id=129
Vestibular Migraines - This is how I found my way to Hypnotherapy. I was diagnosed with Vestibular Migraines and the doctors couldn’t do much for it. Hypnotherapy allowed me to heal my mind and my body, so that I no longer suffer from any symptoms and live a full life. It can help you do it too.
Weight Loss - Struggling to eat the way you know you should and do the exercises to lose weight?
Hypnotherapy helps by releasing the emotional causes for the weight and then instills the healthy habits in your mind, so that they are easy and natural to follow.Writing - Hypnosis for writers works in two ways, first by helping you release the blocks and supplanting them with the idea that your amazing ideas easily manifest on the page.
The second way is to actually be in a hypnotic state while writing. This allows for heightened focus and access to your creative subconscious mind. Distractions, overthinking and the inner critic fall away allowing you to clearly write your amazing ideas.
Client Quote - “Hypnotherapy makes it easier to live in this world “ - Sandra Kochevar