Creating a New Path with Hypnotherapy

I wasn’t always a hypnotherapist… 

Originally, I was a Redbull-guzzling CPA living tax deadline to tax deadline. I would collapse into bed every night exhausted but unable to sleep with my mind racing. I peeled myself out of bed every morning, terrified that this would be the day people discovered I was an imposter - even though everyone in the office wanted me to work on their projects because of my high-quality results. 

I wanted to get out of my tax career, but felt cornered, like I had been pigeonholed and there was no way to transition out. 

Then, like she always does, the universe gave me my answer: Vestibular Migraines. I was flattened by this chronic illness before I even knew what it was.

I went from being exhausted - but fairly functional and active - to being so dizzy all the time I had to use the wall and other supports to walk around. Regular weekly activities like grocery shopping took all my energy because the light glare in the stores would hurt my eyes and give me brain fog if I had to try to search for something.

My life as I knew it slipped away from me as the list of symptoms grew month over month, resembling the “side effects label” you’d see on a box of medicine. 

Once the doctors finally figured out what my chronic illness was, they couldn’t do much for me. At age 32, I felt helpless and was even shamed for looking at complimentary and nontraditional methods of care. 

Something had to change.

I made the choice to try anything that might help. The universe answered again, via a friend who told me about this new place she discovered where they used P-DTR and hypnotherapy to help people. Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Release (P-DTR) was a band-aid for my physical symptoms and helped give me more control and freedom in my body. The hypnotherapy helped me heal the real cause: unprocessed trauma and emotions that I hadn’t dealt with and were stuck in my body, causing dysfunction.

I took a courageous step forward and realized it was time to deal with my inner self and actually begin to live, instead of staying stuck in trauma loops.

I dove head first into Cellular Release Therapy (CRT), a form of hypnotherapy (HT), and started to face the shadows I’d been running from.

The Biggest Shadow.

People and therapists telling me to think more positively and try to change my behavior didn’t work. When you’ve lived in negative internal dialogue for so long, it creates neural pathways that become grooved roads always trying to suck you back in. What fires together, wires together. 

In addition, we can even have an addiction to the emotions, so when you try to think positively you get sucked back in by the allure of the addictive emotions, telling you anything it can think of to get that fix. 

I began to face my biggest shadows through HT, such as:

  • I’m worthless. 

  • I’m nothing.

  • Nobody wants me. 

  • Why can’t I do anything right? 

  • I’m a burden and can’t dare voice my needs. 

  • No one wants to hear what I have to say. 

  • Be careful what you do say, so you don’t upset anyone.

  • Nobody cares anyways

  • Why won’t it just end already

Even now, it feels dangerous just writing these things down because that addictive pull is still there, and like any other addiction, just a taste can be too much. It’s why I usually gloss over the depths of what I worked on when people ask. I don’t mind sharing and being open, but I worry about even giving voice to those grooved neural pathways after all the healing I’ve done to fill them in and make new paths to a happier place.

I think it’s important to share the depths of it here at least once because it’s a huge part of my story. In a way, one of my superpowers with clients is this personal transformation, because I’ve been where they are. I know what it’s like to be in the lowest of lows, where you’re in a deep pit scrabbling at the walls trying to escape, and no matter the progress you make, you fall back to the bottom over and over again, wondering why you even bother trying.

There’s a Light.

Luckily there was a drive sitting deep (and I do mean deep) within me that kept pushing and never let me truly give up. Living a half-life wasn’t enough for me. I came here to do big things and the Universe wouldn’t let me just stay in that pit of depression, not sharing my gifts with the world.

So I kept going to HT, every three weeks for over a year, slowly creating a pathway of peace in my head. Building new roads to feelings of joy and delight. Releasing the constant stream of negative chatter that was like a CD stuck on repeat. Re-finding my enthusiasm for the amazing creatures that we are. 

And along the way, healing my body. All humans have the ability to believe themselves better with simply thoughts. That’s what hypnotherapy offers: a way to direct and use that power we have to create new realities with our thoughts. 

So I did. 

Over time, I completely healed my illness. Seven years later, the only “symptom” I have is a sensitivity to over-stimulation (excessively loud, bright, or crowded environments), which is more likely related to being neurodivergent. 

A New Beginning.

I asked the Universe for a way out of my tax career, tuned into her frequency, and received an answer in the form of an illness so I could discover hypnotherapy and all the amazing abilities we have as humans.

Now, I get to share that with the world. As a trained hypnotherapist, I started a business to help others along their paths. The accountant in me strives for efficiency, so I found another style of hypnotherapy and dove deep in. I received a few diplomas in Integral Hypnotherapy and certifications that sated my need for efficiency. 

Combining all the styles I learned allowed me to really help people in a shorter time frame and help them make real, lasting progress in just a few weeks or months, instead of years. Now I have a thriving business where I get to help people get paid what they’re worth so that they can keep sharing their gifts with the world. 

It still amazes me how changing my inner beliefs helped me change how my inner voice speaks to me. My inner voice is now a coach instead of a bully. Over my healing journey I’ve shifted from this view that there is something wrong with me to feeling like I’m just right as I am. 

And when that old voice tries to tell me otherwise, I have a whole squad of inner and external cheerleaders guiding me back to my new neural pathway of feeling good about myself. For a while I even would tell myself “I believe in myself as much as Carter does.” (One of my amazing former coaches-turned-friends.) It makes things easier knowing someone out there believes in me. And I now offer that to my clients, holding that belief in them, until they can hold it for themselves. 

It’s not perfect - I have my ups and downs like anyone else. But now I have a strong foundation that I can fall back on instead of falling into the pit of despair. At its core this is what HT really does - it builds a strong foundation from the inside out, giving you resilience and support. 

So many other methods I tried along the way just built a house of cards that collapsed with the slightest breeze. Foundation work isn’t sexy, and I’m told it doesn’t sell, but damn it’s the real work that needs to be done for those who are courageous enough to do it. It ain’t pretty but it sure as hell is freeing. 

And that’s what I offer: freedom from the condition that you didn’t choose, but have to live with until you make a choice like I did. Stay in the loop, or make a new path.

Are you ready to step into your courage so you can be who you’re meant to be? Because the world needs your gifts the same way it needed mine. If you’ve read this far then this is the Universe reaching out to you, giving you that nudge to take a leap forward. Break out of the habit of being who you were conditioned to be and evolve into the divine being that is locked within struggling to break free.

It’s time. You are exactly who I built the Money Integrity Program for. The one who is scared of their own power, of not making ends meet, but has that calling and drive to not give up. 

Let me help you create a sustainable, wealthy business, so that you can focus on what really matters.

Register here


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