Energy Without Caffeine
This past year I’ve been on a journey to get off caffeine and increase natural energy. If you’ve found your way to this article I imagine you are also on this path with me.
Just how can you break that drug dependence? Because coffee is a drug, just a legal one. And oh boy do I know about legal drugs living in Denver, Co. (Bonus link at the bottom of a video Cracked put together about “If coffee commercials were honest”). Regular caffeine in your brain creates a dependence on it. As with other drugs and alcohol you keep needing more and more to get the same fix. You also can experience withdrawal symptoms and cravings the same as other drugs.
Luckily for those addicted to caffeine it has a lower surge in dopamine within the brain keeping your reward system in the brain intact unlike in other substances such as amphetamines and cocaine. This makes it easier to cut out and restore your brain to its normal function.
So…..How do you break the caffeine habit?
The first steps of quitting caffeine
The first step and hardest step is taking an honest look at your life. Are there other habits interfering with your sleep that are keeping you from getting the rest that you need and fueling the need for caffeine to make it through the day.
Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of caffeine addiction. In my tax days I would drink two 12 oz red bulls a day to get through March 15th - April 15th. Then spend the next month detoxing. And I know that two red bulls a day is low for some caffeine users.
The biggest change I had to make, for me, was to reduce my screen time with tv in the evening. That blue screen highly disrupts your melatonin production and delays the time to when you can sleep or causes you to rely on melatonin supplements to force it.
Another change was to cut out regular alcohol consumption. I used it to relax me at night and fall asleep, but then needed caffeine in the morning to wake me up because I didn’t sleep well. Then the caffeine kept me up late, and around and around I went. Breaking the cycle on both ends is necessary to truly get rid of caffeine. I found starting on the sleep/night time side of things to be the easier side to dive into.
Most beneficial areas to evaluate in your life
Are you drinking a glass or two of alcohol every night? Even a moderate amount can decrease sleep quality by 24%. This graphic from the Sleep Foundation shows how even a little bit of alcohol can affect your sleep quality.
Graphic Credit - the Sleep Foundation
Do you watch tv and/or look at your phone until you turn out the lights? The blue light interrupts your body’s natural processes.
When do you have your last cup of caffeine? Caffeine can remain in your system for up to twelve hours, affecting when you fall asleep.
What is your diet like? Do you eat enough protein and healthy carbs to fuel you throughout the day
Are you drinking plenty of water?
Are there emotional causes behind your low energy? Maybe you hate your job or are in a difficult relationship. Or in an industry that demands more than is humanly possible (cough *tax* cough). I’m not going to lie; quitting caffeine is going to be more difficult if you are in this type of job and take some dedication to lifestyle changes that you can control.
Benefits of Quitting Caffeine
You’ll feel happier and more awake, for longer periods of the day!
You’ll sleep better, and wake up much more refreshed.
It’ll help shift belly fat - caffeine causes issues with the regulation of the system that creates and maintains that spare tire look!
Can help reduce anxiety.
It helps with vitamin and mineral absorption.
It may reduce your overall daily calorie intake depending on what you drink with your caffeine, like sugar and milk.
Save you money! Do you stop at Starbucks every morning on the way to work? $5 per day x $5 per week x 52 weeks = $1,300. What could you do with an extra $1,300?
Strategies to increase sleep, and kick caffeine without the unwanted side effects
Have your last cup of caffeine 12 hours before when you want to go to bed. If your bedtime is 10:30 pm then 10:30 am is when you should finish your last cup.
For any caffeine type, find a way to cut it with something non-caffeinated and slowly adjust the ratios each day until you are 100% no-caf. Such as if you like the taste of coffee, switch to decaf. You can do this slowly by blending them at different ratios, like 75% caffeinated and 25% decaf, until you are purely on decaf.
Set an alarm on your phone for an hour before you want to go to bed. Turn off all screens when that alarm goes off
Use the night mode that exists on most smartphones. This starts to turn your screen red as it gets later, removing the blue light that causes problems.
If you are working on a computer, download and use f.lux (it's free!) to get the red screen effect for night time. It will naturally progress and adjust your screen. And honestly your eyes will just be happier overall. I can’t even look at a normal computer screen without feeling blinded now.
For many more tips, check out The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington for more great ideas! The link is in the resources section of this article.
Common struggles with kicking caffeine and tips to reduce them
Migraines after quitting caffeine - Did you go cold turkey? Often it’s better to ease down the levels and wean yourself off. This helps you have less severe withdrawal symptoms like migraines.
Insomnia after quitting caffeine: This is one of the most common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. Stepping down your caffeine levels can help with this instead of going cold turkey. As well as just waiting it out for a week or two.
Brain Fog: Find a hypnotic track to help energize you naturally like the one I list below. This side effect shouldn’t last too long as you get into a more natural sleep rhythm.
To be completely honest you’re most likely going to have to be tired and not feel the greatest for a week or two as you make the transition. I promise it is well worth it. You’ll get there and I’m here to support you through it.
Morning Hypnosis for Energy
I regularly use Hypnosis for energy and focus. A few minutes in hypnosis can feel like 2-3 hours of sleep. Check out my guided hypnosis for energy recording that is specifically about feeling more energized in the moment, and instilling the ideas of getting better sleep and having more energy.
This is a different induction style than typical for me because it helps you reach the deeper theta brain waves. The more you use it the better it works. Because why? Yes, you got it, regular reader, because hypnosis is a skill! The more you do it the better you get at it, and the deeper you can go. This recording will really help you get going when you need it. I recommend using it as a morning energy routine and when you need a boost during the day. It’s not suitable for nighttime use as it’s meant to lift you up.
For those wondering, yes caffeine and hypnosis do mix ok. Ideally you don’t want to have caffeine right before using hypnosis because it’s just going to make it harder to relax. Give yourself about 30 minutes to an hour before doing hypnosis for better results.
Become empowered with me and enjoy a life not dependent on caffeine. You’ll be amazed at how much more focus you have and energy to achieve your daily goals.
If you are just really struggling and need help then I absolutely can do hypnotherapy for energy. It’s one of the things I’ve worked on the most for myself. Schedule a consult here.
I’ve also made a hypnosis recording for energy that would be a great help. Listen Here.
Book Recommendation - The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington
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Bonus Entertainment:
An advertisement for coffee, if the companies were honest.