Grounding & Calm During the Holiday Season

As we move into the final weeks of 2022 and a holiday season that is in full swing, it can be helpful to support our well-being with practices that allow us to pause, breathe, and connect. Whether you are driving in traffic, checking off the to-do lists, or moving through the busyness of everyday life, these practices will offer you tools to stay grounded and connected this season and throughout the year ahead!

Here are some of my favorite practices to support overall health and well-being:

1) Mindful Breathing ~

A breathing practice: Come to a comfortable seat or lay down. Close the eyes or soften the gaze. Take a few slow breaths to anchor in. Inhale for a count of 4, Exhale for a count of 7. Repeat for 5-10 rounds. If a different count feels better for you, feel free to adjust the counts. Lengthening the exhalation will help the body and mind to move into a state of relaxation.

2) Restorative Yoga ~

Stillness practices help nurture relaxation, release, grounding, and mindfulness. Practice pose: Legs up the Wall. Come to the wall, lay on your back and place straight legs up against the wall. The back of legs are facing the wall and the heels are resting on the wall. The back of the hips, spine, head, shoulders, and arms rest along the floor. Option: place a folded blanket under the hips, and/or place a folded blanket over the abdomen. Breathe here for a few minutes with a softened gaze or closed eyes.

3) Bodywork ~

Receiving massage therapy, acupuncture, reiki, and other healing therapies can help to relieve stress, and promote more calm and ease in the body and mind.

4) Gratitude Practice ~

Grab a pen and notebook and write 5-10 things you are grateful for each day. Focusing on the things we are grateful for opens our hearts, improves mental and physical well-being, and opens us to empathy and compassion.

May this season and the New Year bring you grace, love, and wonder!

Message from Focused Healing

This blog was written by one of my good friends Colleen Clement! She’s the owner of Denver Therapeutic, and you can dive into her awesomeness over on her website here.


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