IBS Hypnotherapy; How can it help?
Are you stressed? Maybe just a teeny bit or a lot? The major trigger for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) where the lab tests are normal, but you are experiencing some sort of discomfort or pain is typically related to a stressor in your life. You are not alone in this, IBS is the most common digestive affliction there is.
Hypnosis initially helps with reducing stress. When you enter the hypnotic state you activate your Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) which takes you out of the flight/fight mode and allows you to experience relaxation in your nervous system.
Identifying your triggers is the next step. For some, certain events will trigger symptoms, such as right before you go to work, or before giving a presentation. Knowing those triggers can help you identify when you are experiencing a higher level of stress that is triggering your IBS, and work on finding ways to reduce it in the moment. Learning self-hypnosis or gaining skill at meditating can be beneficial at helping you activate the PNS and halt your symptoms.
Reversing the programming in your mind with healing affirmations is the last step of the process. There are two main types of IBS, one that results in constipation and the other in diarrhea. Here are some suggestions to work with in self-hypnosis to help overall with IBS, and also one's specific to each kind of IBS:
General suggestions
Because I practice self-hypnosis daily, I am calmer and more centered all day. Each time I exhale I blow off stress and activate my self-healing. Day by day in every way my abdominal area becomes more comfortable
More and more now I remain calm and relaxed at/during (insert trigger environment, such as “work”
I handle the challenges of each day with greater ease and grace therefore my digestive system properly, gently and calmly digests what I eat and drink
For me, mealtime is relaxing.
Day by day and in every way I am more comfortable and at ease now. More and more now my digestive system works smoothly, rhythmically, and harmoniously.
IBS - Constipation specific
I now prefer healthy, natural foods that are rich in fiber and nutrients therefore I enjoy all the benefits of natural healthy digestion and I have two soft-formed bowel movements daily
IBS - Diarrhea specific
Each morning approximately thirty minutes after waking I have a comfortable urge to have a bowel movement. I know that I have plenty of time and when I go to the bathroom and I sit on the toilet seat, it sends a message to my brain to gently eliminate a soft formed bowel movement, fully and completely
When I notice digestive noises or sensations I instantly know that I have plenty of time to go to the bathroom
Doing these steps won’t solve everything, but it’s a good start on helping to reduce symptoms.
To truly heal Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you have to focus on clearing out the stress and anchoring calmness into your nervous system. The daily practice of self-hypnosis or meditation can help with this. Working with a Certified Hypnotherapist is the best way to see results around this area.
My blog on How to do Self-Hypnosis or simply buy my Self-Hypnosis track!