But, Who am I Without my Trauma?
Have you hit the step in your healing journey where you have a decision to make? The decision of truly releasing your past trauma and moving forward.
Or continuing to hold onto the trauma and letting it define you.
At some point everyone who is engaged in healing hits this fork in the road. Hesitating to take the path of release because you just don’t know who you are without the trauma.
Hidden within this crossroads is a journey all its own that you walk down, before you actually determine which way you’re going. That journey is deciding Who Do You Want To Be? Do you want to be the victim of history and cling to that identity you’ve held most of your life.
Or is it time to decide to be free and let go of that identity.
It can be difficult to imagine a life without your trauma, especially if it is more heinous in nature.
If you’re ready to begin the hidden journey then spend some time thinking through these questions and writing answers. The answers will help you decide where you are ready to go.
Who do I want to be?
Am I happy, optimistic, excited for life? Write down all the positive emotions you want to feel each day.
Am I confident in myself?
Who do I want to/ need to believe about yourself? That you are:
More than good enough
Wanted or desired
Strong and capable
That I belong or am connected
Smart or intelligent
Valuable, worthy or precious
Whole, total and complete
That I am right, I am meant to be
Good and right
A delight or treasure
Is there someone you need to forgive?
Do you need to forgive yourself?
Do you learn from mistakes?
Are you open to new information and learning?
What kind of people do you want in your life?
These questions are deliberately designed to focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. It’s meant to shift your mind into positive thinking. It’s easy for us to name what we don’t want, but harder to say what we want instead. Start practicing saying and writing what you do want to create stronger neural connections to the manifesting part of your mind.
A large part of healing is becoming conscious of your choices and patterns and deliberately choosing the best option for yourself. It also means learning when to let go of things that are no longer good for you or in your highest interest.
Now May Not Be The Right Time For You
If you get through these questions and realize you’re just not ready for the step down the path of release, know that you are not alone. Some of us come to this fork in the road many times before we’re ready. Sometimes we may begin the journey down that path only to veer back to the other road.
I myself have been here many times and each time I make it further down the path before I veer back. Healing is not linear and straight forward. Often when we continue down the old road it’s because we’re not done learning yet.
This is a cycle that is part of the healing journey. And part of the learning we all have to go through. Preparing ourselves to be able to walk down the path of release is part of the entire process.
As always, if you ever need a guide or help on your journey, I am here for you. You don’t have to do it alone.
Struggling with commitments you made that are no longer right for you? Check out my blog about my journey with one this summer and questions to help you gain insight about whether you should keep or release a commitment you’ve made.
When you are ready for the step of forgiveness, download the Printable Forgiveness Affirmations for free here.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to heal and fix these issues, subscribe to my newsletter below.