Daily Hypnosis
If you are searching for information about hypnosis you’ve most likely already run across a lot of the benefits. If this is the first article you’re reading about it then welcome and let’s do a brief run-through of the benefits and how in the heck it even works.
What is Hypnosis?!?!
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind where the inner critical mind is relaxed and you have focused concentration.
Have you ever been in the “zone”? Where everything else falls away and you just focus on what you’re doing. The “zone” or “in the flow” is a trance state. In hypnosis, meditation or flow states you are accessing the same brain waves as when you sleep. First stage is alpha, which is the most common for new practitioners of daily hypnosis. With continued practice and skill development you can go into theta and delta. These deeper states are the ones that people use to replace anesthesia for surgery or in hypnobirthing.
Luckily, to make amazing changes in your life all you need is to get to that lightly altered state of alpha brain waves. This is easily achieved with a basic relaxation.
What are the benefits of daily hypnosis?
These are the most common benefits of daily hypnosis sessions.
Stress reduction.
Increased inner peace; a zin state of mind.
Learning you control your thoughts and that you can change it.
How does hypnosis help me change my beliefs?
Magic! Just kidding. Being in hypnosis lets your inner critical mind rest, therefore you can directly access the subconscious mind. All your beliefs, patterns, etc. come from what’s held in the subconscious mind. If you upgrade the ideas in your subconscious then you will see changes in your external world.
For example: If I hold a belief that I am not worthy then in my day-to-day life I may see things like not getting a raise or promotion, struggling to get clients for my business, and being unable to have a healthy romantic or platonic relationship. Thoughts such as I’m not worthy of having someone who is nice to me, or I suck at my job of course they wouldn’t promote me, or I couldn’t possibly charge more than I do for my services.
When this belief is upgraded to “I am worthy” then it’ll shift how you interact in the world and how others perceive you. If you believe you are worthy of promotion then it’s easy to get one.
The ultimate goal of hypnosis is to upgrade the beliefs you hold so that they uplift you instead of drag you down. Use daily affirmations to change the script in your mind.
What is an affirmation?
An affirmation is an assertion that something exists or is true. The goal of affirmations is to either affirm what you want to see in your life or reverse something you don’t want to see anymore. The statement should be concise, stated in the positive, and include a time frame if there is one. Using custom daily affirmations is the quickest way to increase confidence, reduce anxiety, increase self-love, and many more.
The most powerful affirmations assert a positive self-esteem item, use a high-vibration emotional word and link it to what you want to see. To link items, use the words “because” or “therefore.”
Because I know I am worthy, I happily attract five new clients on or before October 31, 2022
More and more now, I know and deeply feel I am more than good enough; therefore, I confidently ask for a $10,000 raise at work
At the bottom of this article, you can download my free affirmations, do’s, and don’ts, along with some examples.
I highly recommend using a self-compassion affirmation in addition to the ones you design. This helps deal with perfectionism and beating yourself up as you establish a new habit. Because if you’re like I used to be, I would try to do something, get excited, and go all in for a few days, then start skipping, missing, and kicking myself for doing so.
Here are a few examples to use for compassion and understanding:
Because I know that mistakes are stepping stones to greater understanding and more significant opportunities, I am kind and loving towards myself if I make a mistake.
Because I understand that life happens, I am kind and loving towards myself and happily resume the positive habits I am creating
Do I really have to do hypnosis daily to see changes?
One of the six ways we get new ideas into our subconscious mind is repetition. The more you saturate your mind with your affirmations, the quicker you’ll see results. So, it’s up to you if you want to do it daily. My recommendation to my clients is 5-10 minutes in the morning and 5-10 minutes in the evening. This takes advantage of the fact that you are naturally coming from or going to that altered state of alpha brain waves.
Here are a couple of ways to make it easier to do it daily:
Make yourself a hypnotic recording that you can listen to twice a day
It should include a basic relaxation induction,
Your affirmations are said in the second person, “you” format; repeat them three times each.
Then, say them in the first person three times each, in “I” format with gaps long enough for you to repeat them out loud. Break them down into easily repeatable chunks for the first-person section.
Then count yourself out of hypnosis by counting from 1 to 5.
Use notecards to write affirmations and post them around your home so that you see them regularly. Read them out loud to yourself each time you see them. This isn’t done in hypnosis, but it helps with repetition
Use this affirmation to just program in that you want to do it twice a day: Because I believe in creating positive daily habits, I am excited to do my self-hypnosis twice a day
Create a daily hypnosis habit and see miraculous changes in your life! What is the difference between magic and a miracle? A miracle is divine energy freed up within you due to a shift in perception. Magic is something outside of you.
Download my free Affirmation Do’s and Don’ts Handout. Download
Make it even easier on yourself and just buy my self-hypnosis recording!